It was in the summer of 1998 when Dream Love 1000 was researched and developed and officially launched in the first quarter of 1999.
The creation of which can be said as a breakthrough when it comes to the “Attract Your Man” concept! Riya Dawidowicz’s positivity and foresight for the betterment of women today paved the way to make her vision and goals a reality.
Broken relationships, friends constantly being rejected or bullied, husbands losing interest in their wives and the such would appall Riya, and all this affected her and this is how she first came up with this unique one of a kind “Real Attraction” perfume which has acted as the most effective cupid and answer to solve any woman’s problems when it comes to their love lives, friendships, self-esteem and even seeing enhancements in their careers.
Riya sought the help of Sofia David, a perfume expert in England, and together through meticulous research and sourcing of best ingredients, they came up with a “perfect” perfume that will create a “bridge” to connect the attraction of a man to a woman. A perfume that will bring forth “the real scent of a woman” as Al Pacino said in his movie, “the scent of a woman that you wanna wake up to each morning”. Thus, Dream Love 1000 was born.
How to get him to love you? How to make him fall deeply in love forever? Dream Love 1000 is an infusion of the world famous white musk from England with a seducing scent which helps to attract by increasing the attention of men towards you. Dream Love 1000 has made its mark on over 5 million women who have seen the products effects first hand since its launch in 1999.

Success is not only measured by money or cash, success is more valuable if its measured by the number of lives touched and changed. Such is the success story of Dream Love 1000. Its effects led to creating ever-after’s, mending broken relationships, boosting self-esteem and even soften rising tempers. A “spray” of Dream Love 1000 can do wonders. Need relationship advice? How to get your ex back? Dream Love 1000 has proven its seduction towards men by thousands of real experiences of women worldwide.

Lamak Traders, the company behind this breakthrough perfume, has also came up with Dream Love 1000 5-in-1 Essence Lotion. Another quality and uniquely effective product of Lamak Traders that boasts of 5 beauty benefits in one lotion: Skin Brightening; Intense Hydrating; Age Defying; Intense Toning; Sensual Stimulating Scent.
BE DESIRED. BE LOVED. Experience the sense of scent-tillating. Get dreamy with Dream Love 1000. Now available for US and Canada buyers.